1.c Use grep and regular expressions to analyze text

Operator Description
^ Match expr at the start of line
$ Match expr at the end of line
\ Turn off special meaning
[ ] Match any of the enclosed chars
[^ ] Match any char except the enclosed
. Match a single char
? Match zero or one chars
+ Match one or more chars
* Match zero or more chars
\{x,y\} Match x to y occurrences of preceding expr
\{x\} Match x occurrences of preceding expr
\{x,\} Match x or more occurrences of preceding expr
[:class:] Matches all chars in class (alnum, alpha, digit, space, upper, lower, etc.)

Character Classes

[:alnum:], [:alpha:], [:cntrl:], [:digit:], [:graph:], [:lower:], [:print:], [:punct:], [:space:], [:upper:], and [:xdigit:]


  • Use man 7 regex to get information on regex
  • You can find the character classes in grep's man page
  • Almost all character classes are defined with a 5 character word