1.f Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2


  • Compression - encoding information in fewer bits
  • Archive - a file that is a collection of other files that can be managed easier (sorted, moving, copying, etc...)



'tar' stands for "TApe ARchive".


Create a tar archive

tax -cvf [archive].tar [file(s)|folder]

Extract a tar archive

tar -xvf [archive].tar

Show all files of an archive:

tar -tvf [archive].tar

Tar with compression

With gunzip

Create a compressed tar archive

tar -czvf [archive].tar.gz [file(s)|folder]

Extract a compressed tar archive

tar -xzvf [archive].tar.gz

With bzip2

Create compressed tar archive

tar -cjvf [archive].tar.bz2 [file(s)|folder]

Extract a compressed tar archive

tar -xjvf [archive].tar.bz2

star - unique standard tape archiver

star is another implementation of tar. It looks like it supported SELinux context before tar (however tar now also supports extended file attributes as well as SELinux, so I'm not sure if this is really needed for the exam).

Usage Examples

Create an archive

# star -c –f=compressed.star [file list]

Extract archive

# star –x –f=compressed.star

Create an archive retaining SELinux context

# star -xattr -H=exustar -c -f=test.star file{1,2,3}

Snippet from RHEL 6 documentation page


The main difference between the different compress commands is the algorithm that they use.

Compression commands:

  • gzip (1) - compress or expand files
  • bzip2 (1) - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6
  • zip (1) - package and compress (archive) files
  • unzip (1) - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive


Create a compressed file

gzip file

Result: file.gz

Decompress a file:

gzip -d file


Create a compressed file

bzip2 file

Result: file.bz2

Decompress a file

bzip2 -d file.bz2


Combining individual files in a compressed archive:

zip archive.zip file1 file2

Combining complete folders in a compressed archive:

zip -r archive.zip folder1 folder2 folder3

Decompress and extract an archive:

unzip archive.zip

Show all files of an archive:

unzip -l archive.zip


  • Use -d on both gzip and bzip2 to extract. For unzip, the command itself specifies that it's extracting (-d is used for destination folder)
  • For gzip you can specify the compression level with a number (eg: -5)
  • Extension name is not required. It's only used for human reference

Viewing compressed files

You can use the following commands to view compressed files:

  • zcat
  • gunzip -c
  • bzip2 -c
  • zless
  • vim