1.g Create and edit text files

Editing files

You should be familiar with at least one of the editors below:

  • vi (1p) - screen-oriented (visual) display editor
  • vim (1) - Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
  • nano (1) - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
  • emacs - GNU Emacs text editor

📝 NOTE: Be aware that vim changes files by copying the file over (so the inode also changes).

Viewing files

Review the following commands:

  • cat (1) - concatenate files and print on the standard output
  • less (1) - opposite of more
  • more (1p) - display files on a page-by-page basis
  • head (1) - output the first part of files
  • tail (1) - output the last part of files

Text Manipulation

Review the following commands:

  • sort (1) - sort lines of text files
  • wc (1p) - word, line, and byte or character count
  • grep (1) - print lines matching a pattern
  • sed (1) - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
  • uniq (1) - report or omit repeated lines
  • diff (1) - compare files line by line
  • paste (1) - merge lines of files